Tuesday, 24 January 2012

The Beginning....

Hello Everyone,

My Name is Liam. Let me tell you about something:
I work in an office, its a nice office with women who make me tea, and its at a university that is always busy and pretty interesting. I live in a nice flat with my messy but kind-hearted girlfriend.
Which is all just fine and dandy, but I wanted something more, I wanted an adventure, a challenge, to do good, a story to tell in my old age:

So..........I am taking part in a 9 day trek to Machu Picchu for Childrens Charity: Childreach International

Yep, Machu Picchu, the 'lost city of the Incas', one of the new Seven Wonders of the World, in Peru, South America. I'll be trekking to an altitude of 3,400m,  in August 2012

Childreach International is a UK registered grass roots charity who work in partnership with local communities in the developing world to help improve children's access to healthcare, education, and child rights and protection in order to help them unlock their full potential in life. I like the sound of that, I may still be unlocking my potential in life, and any charity helping children find their way in life is a great thing by me.

So here is a diary, an account of not just the trials and tribulations of the trip intself but the challenges facing me to prepare, raising the money for Childreach which is really what its all about and also the training I'll be doing to make sure I am fit for the task, buying equipment, getting vaccinations, its going to be an adventure getting ready for this adventure!

I hope you enjoy reading about the journey!


(My girlfriend is responsible for the Liam/Lama hybrid, such are her photoshop skills!)


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